Dr. Clayton Thyne Guest Speaks For BDC
(Lexington, Kentucky): On October 6th, the Bluegrass Debate Coalition (BDC) hosted a Guest Lecturer event featuring Dr. Clayton Thyne, a Professor in the Political Science department at the University of Kentucky where he serves as the Department Chair.
Dr. Thyne spoke on the topic of NATO defending the Baltic States, where he offered subject matter expertise and hosted a Q&A for students to ask questions. Students from all over the state of Kentucky attended this event.

“Learning from and engaging with scholarly academics provides students with deep educational enrichment”, says Katie Humphries, the BDC Associate Director. “We are deeply grateful for the support we have received that allow us to host these types of events.”
This is Dr. Thyne’s second time speaking for the Bluegrass Debate Coalition. In June of 2021, Dr. Thyne presented a lecture at the BDC Summer Camp on the topic of “Civil War and International Intervention”.
Watch the entire guest lecture, here: https://youtu.be/51Q-5a5E2oY?t=1