HOMEWORK (Middle School): Organic Agriculture

Resolved: On balance, increasing organic agriculture in the United States is desirable.
Research (Downloads): BDC SHARED FOLDER
Research Guide PDF Evidence Packet (ver. 3.5) PDF
Arguments [Sample] PDF Rebuttals [Sample] PDF
Rejoinders [Sample] PDF Voting Issues [Sample] PDF
Note: Students are allowed to copy/use these resources (it is not considered cheating). We developed these during the workshops.
To sign up for the online workshops (Zoom): CLICK HERE.
To sign up for the in-person debate event (in Lexington): CLICK HERE.
Expectations for the BDC Contest & Public Forum Debate: 
Expectations and guidelines for the BDC Debate Championship: PDF.
Basic (or fundamental) expectations for Public Forum Debate: PDF.*
Animated "How-to" Video for Public Forum Debate: YouTube.*
*Note: We made some slight modifications to the public forum rules:
3 min Final Focus, 5 min Prep Time (per team), and No Rudeness During Crossfires.
Step 01: Preparing Arguments for Debate

Tip: We need to do research, find evidence, and write arguments.

  1. Research: Please watch the animated, yet educational videos and read the required articles... Click Here!
  2. Writing: Please gather some evidence (see the BDC Evidence Packet) and organize them into arguments. 
    Note: we have a simple arguments form for you to use (and there are sample arguments in the shared folder).
  3. Speaking: First speakers should practice speaking these arguments (two per side) for clarity, fluency, and confidence.
Step 02: Preparing Rebuttals for Debate

Tip: We need to do specific research, find more evidence, and pre-write answers to the major arguments.

  1. Research: Please gather evidence from the BDC Evidence Packet and from searching up articles online (ex. Google!). 
  2. Writing: We have a simple rebuttals form for you to use (and there are sample rebuttals in the shared folder).
    Note: We have been learning about... 4-Step Refutation (They said, We say, Because, and Therefore).
  3. Speaking: Second speakers should practice speaking rebuttals against each of your arguments for clarity, fluency, and building confidence... if we can think of these arguments, when our opponents probably did too! 😉
Step 03: Preparing Rejoinders for Debate

Tip: We may need to do find some additional evidence, and definitely pre-write answers to the major rebuttals.

  1. Research: Please gather some additional evidence from the BDC Evidence Packet and/or online to defend your arguments. 
  2. Writing: We have a simple rejoinders form for you to use (and there are sample rejoinders in the shared folder).
    Note: We have been learning about... The Rejoinder Process (Simple Review, Additional Evidence, and Specific Comebacks).
  3. Speaking: I would try to practice speaking from the form (and anticipate the rebuttals), yet doing a "crossfire" against a well-prepared second speaker can help you make the right kinds of comebacks and help you become quite proficient at it!
Step 04: Preparing Voting Issues for Debate

Tip: We need to work with our partners to finalize the arguments and rejoinders before filling out these forms.

  1. Research: None. Work with your partner to help them finish their rejoinder forms, so your job here will be easier to do.
  2. Writing: We have a simple voting issues form for you to use (and there are sample voting issues in the shared folder).
    Note: We have been learning about... The Final Focus (3 C's = Choose, Convince, and Compare!).
  3. Speaking: Please practice speaking from the form and speak with clarity, confidence, and respect! Imagine yourself having one last chance to impress upon the judge that your side has the most benefits and that you are winning the 'key' arguments!
Step 05: Preparing "Crossfires" for Debate

Tip: We must work with our partners to improve the quality of our crossfires - speaking with confidence and with respect!

  1. Research: Tons! Work with your partner to find what you think are some of the best facts/sources and practice speaking them.
  2. Writing: Try making a T-Chart with some of your best ideas to hold in your hand while speaking -- it can really help (a lot!).
  3. Speaking: Please practice speaking your best ideas in a clear, concise, and respectful manner. The judges want to pick the best debaters who are true leaders and not someone acting like a 'jerk'. Being rude or disrespectful will not be tolerated at the event.
Additional Information: 

[OPTIONAL] Feeling Anxious??: Amy Cuddy teaches us how to change our posture and reduce our stress!
Amy Cuddy TED Talk Video: Click Here.

BDC Shared Folder (Organic Agriculture): Click Here.
Burdens of Debate (Proof, Refutation, & Rejoinder): PDF.
Persuasion by Aristotle (Logos, Pathos, Ethos): PDF.
Crossfire (Ducks): PDF.
T-Chart (GMOs): PDF.
"Flowsheet" (GMOs): PDF.

Speech Outline (GMOs): PDF.
Rebuttal Outline (GMOs): PDF.

Bill Eddy (aka "Coach Bill")
714.655.8135 (I prefer text)
When contacting me, please include your name and class information (day/time). Thanks!