Guest Speaker:
Terry Hutchens
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Eastern)
About the Guest Lecture
For students debating using the BDC's "Increasing Organic Agriculture" topic, Terry Hutchens was a professor at the University of Kentucky (now retired) and is willing to provide subject matter expertise about conventional and organic approaches to agriculture. Prof. Hutchens will give a 10-15 minute lecture, followed by a short 5-10 minute interview with the BDC director, along with a Q&A session for students to get answers about their research and their arguments. The BDC Guest Lecture Series is hosted live via Zoom and made available to the public via BDC's YouTube Channel.
About Professor Hutchens...
Terry K. Hutchens is currently the Director for International Training and Research, working remotely on a USAID-funded wheat research development project entitled GRAIN in Afghanistan. Prior to this, he served as Deputy Chief of Party for the GRAIN project from July 2018-July 2020. The project's purpose is to enhance the performance of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock in filling its mandate to lead responsive research to, identify and disseminate technologies and practices that promise the greatest benefits to wheat sector stakeholders in Afghanistan.
Prior to this Hutchens severed as the National Livestock Project Director for the Afghanistan Agricultural Extension Project II funded through Texas A & M University, December 2015-June 2017. Additionally, he has extensive international experience and has worked in twelve developing countries throughout Asia, Eastern Europe and South America.
Professor Hutchens retired from the University of Kentucky (UK) as State Extension Specialist-Small Ruminants 2002-2011 and served as a UK Extension agent starting in 1977-1998. He earned an MSA in Crop Production – Forage Management, from the University of Kentucky and a BSA in Plant Pathology/Entomology from the University of Georgia.